This is app contains all topics of English Vyakran or English Grammar in Gujarati.
Topics included in this application are English-Gujarati Vocabulary, English-Gujarati Sentence Practice, Synonym and Antonym Words, Idioms and Phrase, Grammar Topics, Parts of Speech, Active and Passive Voice, Direct and Indirect Speech, All 12 English, Tenses, Article, Plural, Sentence Pattern, Use of Capital Letter, To Be, Casual Verb, Adjectives, Adverb, Preposition, Nouns, Pronouns, Auxiliaries, Instructions, Question Tag, Degree, Modal Auxiliaries, Main Verbs, Participle, Wh all, Gerund and many more topics.
English MCQ quiz has explanation of question Gujarati as well as English language.
All Topic of English Grammar In Gujarati. It has explanation of all topic with example provided.
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